In our research association, ForDigitHealth, five different disciplines are working on a scientific discourse about different stress theories to gain comprehensive knowledge about digital stress. Currently, single theories are dominating the research on this topic. The transactional stress model in psychology is especially prominent. Thus, our interdisciplinary approach provides essential possibilities for further development and room for innovative ways to gain knowledge.
The starting point is a critical review of the underlying digital stress theories of the individual projects. These will be assessed by scientific-theoretical criteria, such as logic, complexity, and range. A synopsis of theories within our association enables us to identify academic voids. Assembling and discussing the used theories critically will help develop best practices as well as recognize scientific difficulties. By inviting external speakers, we will broaden our views to enable a perpetual distinction and advancement of our theoretical assumptions.
Insights gained by this association-wide exchange will be reintegrated into the individual projects, enabling practical realization of the theoretical concepts. At the same time, the results of the individual projects will enrich the overall understanding of the theories.